Teen Mom Season 5 All Episode
Teen Mom is an American reality television series which aired from December 8, 2009, until August 28, 2012, on MTV. It follows the lives of four girls from the first season of 16 and Pregnant as they navigate their first years of motherhood. The series also focuses on the themes of their changing relationships between family, friends, and boys, while highlighting the struggles teenage mothers have to go through to raise their children.
The series aired a total of four seasons. The pilot episode was the network's highest-rated premiere in over a year, with 2.1 million total viewers; the record was surpassed by the controversial series Skins, which had 3.26 million viewers. The first season finale brought in 3.6 million viewers. The second season finale pulled in over 5.6 million viewers, at which time a spin-off Teen Mom 2 was announced for January 11, 2011. The third season premiered on July 5, 2011, and the final season premiered on June 12, 2012.
~ For Watching Teen Mom All Season : http://j.gs/5gQh
~ For Watching Teen Mom Season 5 All Episode : http://j.gs/5gQj
- Episode 1 Back and Better Than Ever
- Episode 2 Back to School
- Episode 3 Old Wounds
- Episode 4 New Kids on the Block
- Episode 5 Surprise Surprise
- Episode 6 The F Bomb
- Episode 7 First Time for Everything
- Episode 8 Mom vs. Mom